Can Cats Taste Sweet Things?

Have you ever noticed when your cat runs over to investigate what you’re eating, they seem to avoid all the sweet stuff? Why do they do this? Sure, they are carnivores, but is sweetness completely off the table for them? Let’s dig into the feline flavourscape and try to figure out what sort of palate they have.

The Sweet Answer

As you may have guessed, the answer is: no, cats cannot taste sweet things. They actually don’t even possess taste receptors specifically attuned to detecting sugars, meaning they couldn’t enjoy sugar even if they tried. So, while we can enjoy a sweet indulgence from time to time, we can do so knowing our cats won’t try to steal it from our plate.

What Flavours Do Cats Like?

The answer is savoury all the way. Cats have taste receptors finely tuned to detect amino acids – the building blocks of proteins. Humans, being omnivores, have more diverse palates, but our carnivorous kitties are exclusively designed to love the rich, meaty goodness of their favourite proteins. Be it chicken, fish, or a serving of red meat, you know your cat is going to gobble it down quickly and happily.

Oddly enough, in addition to their love of savoury flavours, cats also have a keen appreciation for umami – the fifth taste sensation – often described as savoury or meaty. It has been proven that umami-rich foods, like cooked meats, fish, and certain types of cheese, elicit a positive response from cats – stimulating their taste buds and igniting their appetite.

The Influence of Scent

While taste plays a crucial role in determining a cat's culinary preferences, it's important to remember that scent also plays a significant role in their perception of food. As discussed in previous blogs, cats have an incredibly sensitive sense of smell, with olfactory receptors that far surpass those of humans and are just barely beneath those of most dogs. The aroma of a delicious meal can be just as enticing to a cat as its taste, similar to how our sense of smell is so closely related to taste.

Final Thoughts

While we should make an effort to keep our cats eating healthy, veterinarian-approved diets, it’s important to remember that they are also living creatures who would love a little snack here and there. Sure, they cannot detect sugar, but their idea of a good snack is something with meat or a small amount of dairy in it. It breaks up the monotony of daily life and gives them something to look forward to. Just keep in mind their tastebuds and digestive systems are drastically different from ours, so if it’s snack time, give them some protein!



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